Vegan caramelized apple tart

I know that Thanksgiving is tomorrow so I hope you get this recipe before. It’s the best and easiest pie I ever made. I wish though that puff pastry had a nutrition value, but unfortunately it doesn’t. The fact that it’s…

Sweet Potato Rice & Quinoa Pilaf

Six years ago I didn’t think I can cook rice together with the vegetables or meat in one pot.  Now I use this method to cook all kind of things, especially when I’m in rush or feeling lazy – it…

The best Oatmeal Ever

For me, basic oatmeal is like an empty canvas waiting to be transformed into a rich and delicious masterpiece. in order to to make it rich and delicious you’ll need to add a generous amount of unsaturated fat such as…

Potato Salad With Herb

I love potatoes! Anything that is made with potatoes. From Russian potato salad to tortilla Española to Belgian pommes frites to campfire potatoes. Now that we have a fireplace – the second-best invention after a dryer – we bake them…

Root Vegetable Hummus

I had started to write this post in the summer, while we where visiting Israel, but never finished it for the same reasons I haven’t been able to start or finish any posts since leaving Los Angeles back in June; lack of time, lack of motivation…

moroccan warm olive salad

Shabbat dinner at my mom’s is like Thanks Giving at Martha Stewart. The dining table is packed with enough food to feed a village. My mom is actually Martha minus the luck. Her home-cooking and entertainment skills are pretty impressive.…