Simple cucumber Dill salad

Me: Can I play on the iPad? Can I stay home today? Can I stay up all night?Can we have sushi tonight? Can I go to a friend’s house? Can a friend come over? Can I have something sweet? Can I…

Moroccan Tea Cookies With Anise

Every single time I make a batch of these irresistible heroine-biscuits, I swear it’ll be the last time. And I’d probably keep that promise if someone didn’t always beg me to make them. Or if a sudden burst of inspiration…

Easy Garlicky Potato Salad

Did you know that garlic is more than a pungent and medicinal ingredient? It’s also a powerful spiritual symbol. In many cultures, garlic is believed to protect from evil spirits and negative energies. Some cultures and spiritual practices used garlic…

Salad Inspired By Mexico City

My husband and I just got back from a trip to Mexico City. We flew down there so I can get a dental implant. It is much cheaper there. It’s not something I would normally do but the dentist was…

Easy To Make Spicy Condiment

One of the most annoying things in my work as a recipe developer is titling the recipes—giving them appealing names. Nowadays it’s not enough to call a recipe by its name; you have to add a keyword that will lure…

Beet and Beet leaves soup 

It’s only 10PM but I am drained and tired. Probably from politics, propaganda and worrying. The computer screen hurts my eyes, but before I crawl into bed with Barbara Kingsolver’s book Copperhead Demon let me give you this recipe before…

Delicious Fennel & Persimmon Salad

A letter I left in one of the houses in my neighborhood.  Dear lucky neighbor, For a month now, every time I pass by your house I hear your persimmon tree whispering “Please come pick my fruits”. I told her…

Bread Baking Class in Los Angeles

With everything happening in my country, I completely forgot to post about my upcoming bread baking class at Los Angeles Valley College. If you live in Los Angeles or know anyone who lives in LA, please join us or forward…

The Best Carrot Salad Ever

First, say Hi to your new favorite salad. Second, lemon season is around the corner. During the next 10 months, I won’t be buying lemons, I would be picking them from the trees in my neighborhood. I always joke that…

How To Make Herb Salt

Do you write a journal? I do. I write almost everyday. I write almost every day. Why? For different reasons. Partially because I want to leave something behind for my family. Perhaps my offspring would be as curious about their…