My Latest Posts

Swanton Berry Farm

Swanton Berry Farm was the highlight of our road trip from Los Angeles to San Francisco via the PCH. To find a place like Swanton – after you’ve had a string of bad meals, and almost…

Homemade Bread

There was a single, short period when I completely lost interest in cooking. It was exactly three years ago, when my youngest sister, Inbar, passed away at the age of 27. When she left, my joy of cooking and baking…

Leo’s Favorite Food

Me: If you so bored, you can write a post for my blog.  Leo: I can’t write a post I’m only nine.  Me: yes you can.  Leo: okay, I’ll try.

bread rolls & challahs

As a kid I couldn’t take my eyes away from my mother or grandmother, when they made home-bread for Shabbat. I was hypnotized by Eema and Mama’s swift gestures and from the process itself. For…

Black Cherry Jammers

I was so happy when she said yes and wrote this post for my blog. Introducing, Yael, the woman who thought me almost everything I know about baking!  When Shelly asked me to be a…