Vegan chocolate truffles

No time for BS. Just a quick, sweet recipe I found in a beautiful cookbook called Vegetarian Everyday, written by the sweet Scandinavian couple, who’s behind the blog Green Kitchen Stories. This exactly the kind of recipe I love – a “peace of mind” recipe, delicious and healthy. It’s…

1-Bowl Vegan Chocolate Cake

Three words to describe this cake: moist, dense and rich. It finishes usually in thirty minutes. My husband found the recipe in Martha Stewart’s Living Magazine. The picture and recipe didn’t look exciting but I didn’t have eggs and I was curious. I made it a few minor changes.

No Machine Banana Ice Cream

A friend of mine from New York recently emailed me this recipe. She wrote: “Thought of you the other night. We made a delish dairy-free, sugar-free banana ‘ice cream’ with a bit of chopped salty almonds and maple syrup on…

5-things to do with a 5-year-old

# 1. Make chocolate pralines or chocolate bars together – it’s easy, fun, delicious and exciting at any age. I’m not sure who was more excited, me or them. You start making them with the 5-year-old, then, 3 minutes later,…

Blood Orange Bars

Our 5-year-old Alex (aka Alexander, aka Jacob, aka Sooshi) is obsessed with names. Everyday, ten times a day, he asks my husband and I if we like a certain name. Most days I find his name sake obsession cute but some…

Black Cherry Jammers

I was so happy when she said yes and wrote this post for my blog. Introducing, Yael, the woman who thought me almost everything I know about baking!  When Shelly asked me to be a guest at her blog, I…

Chocolate Chip Cookies

Leo and Alex never refuse to help when I offer to make something sweet. So here they are making chocolate chip cookies. All on their own! Leo reads the directions, while Alex wildly and clumsily beats the batter, and I…