Spicy Oil Infused with Paprika
Who was the genius that came up with the idea to infuse oil with spices? Every culture has their oil infusion. My mother always have a jar of oil infused with sweet paprika and hot paprika ready to use in…
Who was the genius that came up with the idea to infuse oil with spices? Every culture has their oil infusion. My mother always have a jar of oil infused with sweet paprika and hot paprika ready to use in…
My husband is 3⁄4 Hungarian (1⁄4 Polish). His maternal grandparents, Holocaust survivors, were born in Hungary but they left after the second world war. His grandmother, Shula, was a decent cook. Her goulash and stuffed peppers were filling, however her…
Here are our most favorite, plant-based main-dishes for puffy-coat weather or semi cold swather weather. They’ll keep you warm, cozy and nourished. Except for the slow-roasted eggplant, the rest of the dishes are kid friendly (well, my kids and their…
This is the kind of food that I eat on a daily basis, usually in the winter, when I feel that I’m coming down with something. I also avoid eating sugar and take extra vitamin C and D. It works…
Since winter arrived I’ve been mostly braising or roasting veggies for lunch and dinner. I don’t know why but I can’t think of any other cooking methods when I am cold. It isn’t as cold in LA as it is…
Shallow-fried fritters I whip up when I’ve waited too long for breakfast and I’m starving. Funny thing is, my older son won’t touch cooked cabbage, but he gobbles these up like there’s no tomorrow. The turmeric’s the secret – gives…
If you could live anywhere in the world for one year, where would you live? I would live in a small village in Italy, where I would make friends with the local ladies, learn how to make pasta, explore the area,…
When baking sweet potatoes, the high heat causes their moisture to evaporate, and leaves their skin caramelized like candy – which is delicious – but overly sweet for me, so I like to mix them with spicy, sour or nutty flavors to reduce the sweetness.
I think my purpose in life is to make chocolate bars. I would love to make honest good dark chocolate bars for living. Just like those crafty bars Dick Taylor or Dandelion make. I’m salivating just thinking about pure, rich, bitter, mildly sweet chocolate. I prefer chocolate that is made with…
I adapted this recipe from Green Kitchen Stories blog. Their recipe call for Chanterelle mushrooms but (a) I didn’t have any and (b) the price here for one pound (half a kilo) chanterelles is $42. I’m sure it tastes divine but the the humble…
Chermoula is a marinade that North Africans use in their cooking. It is usually used to flavor fish or seafood, but it can be used with legume and vegetables. Very healthy. It’s strange, for someone who grew up in a Moroccan home, I…
Really, Shelly? Avocado? Come on. Why not? Avocado is a fruit. In South America they eat avocado with sugar, so why can’t it work with chocolate? I knew it. I knew she wouldn’t approve this recipe. It doesn’t matter how…
I discovered this delicious dish at a Thanksgiving dinner at friends’. I could tell immediately that it was right up my alley – humble yet sophisticated, and charming. My friend found it in the New York Times cooking section. As…
There’s a traditional Moroccan fish recipe that my mother, and the rest of the Moroccan Jews around the world make every Friday for Shabbat dinner. I’ve never met anyone who grew up in a Moroccan home who doesn’t get nostalgic about…
Yes, I am alive, and today, after six hectic months, I can finally say, ‘alive and well.’ I survived the move from our two-bedroom, one-bathroom townhouse to a three-bedroom, three-bathroom townhouse! Two-and-a-half bathrooms, technically. Now we each have our own…
Bread pudding is like a cake. It’s not something I would eat for breakfast on a weekly or monthly basis. I only make it when I have leftover challah from Shabbat. Last Sunday my husband used a third of the…
It’s one of those dishes that never makes it to the dining table. As soon as it comes out of the oven, the boys start to nibble on it. It’s crunchy, slightly sweet, smokey and addictive.